PLR For Search Engine Optimization
Many marketers are reluctant to purchase and use private label content because they fear their site will receive the dreaded “duplicate content penalty” from Google and other search engines. The fear is that the penalty will dry up their traffic, hence their cash flow. There is no reason for the users of private label rights content to fear penalization via the duplicate content penalty if you edit your content correctly.
Then some marketers tend to lean the other way completely and do not edit the PLR content at all with no fear of penalization.
The purpose of buying a PLR article package is not so you have a ready made pop it in the oven piece of work to throw out there like yesterday’s trash. It’s so that you don’t have to spend the time researching a topic that you know NOTHING or LITTLE about. Do you have ANY idea how long it takes to thoroughly research a topic, any topic?
To write an article from scratch, you MUST, if you don’t want to get hit with tons of plagiarism lawsuits, research a minimum of 3 to 5 articles and then COMPLETELY write a NEW article on the subject matter, taking NOTHING from the original 3 to 5 articles (depending on the length of you article).
It will take you around 1 to 2 hours to write an article from scratch. It could take you only 10 minutes to rewrite an existing article to transform it into a unique article. Same result…but you save 90% of your time, or to say it another way : when you write 1 single article from scratch, you can rewrite 10 and feel confident with the results.
Many people do not understand the importance of changing and modifying private label rights content for search engine optimization.
Have a look at all sites with good ranking in search engines. Pick up a topic you like and browse the highest ranked sites. They all have on thing in common : they are all loaded with content.
Content is king, no matter what you think about it.
You don’t have to like the fact that in order to move steadily up the search engine ranks you need to constantly add content to your site, but you darn better well accept it because it is a fact of Internet marketing life that is NOT going to go away.
Then take a run over to Ezine Articles or any of the other top directories and you’ll see tons of articles written on thousands of subject. Do you know why so many people are into article marketing? Because it works and it’s so simple.
Easiest Traffic Generation Method Online
1. Write an article with a link to your site in the resource box
2. Submit the article to Ezine Articles.
3. Watch the traffic come to your site.
But some people can’t write and have no desire to learn how to write. That’s where PLR comes in, and done correctly, it can be VERY beneficial. Almost as beneficial as writing your own content from scratch. It can be seen as even more beneficial as you can create more content that way (using PLR materials) than creating it from scratch.
The duplicate content penalty is a major motivator to changing your PLR content but not the only reason. Let me explain: duplicate content is either completely matching other content or is very similar. If contents of one page on the internet or within the same website are the same or similar to another, it is considered duplicate content and is penalized accordingly by web crawlers and that should be avoided if you are interested in gaining traffic via search engines (you will not be as much penalized if your site is already gaining an ‘authority’ level thanks to relevant and strong backlinks).
Although there are many different search engines that web surfers use to search out the information they are looking for online, in this report we will mainly use Google as a reference.
Google’s spider (sometimes called crawler or robot) is a script that browses the Internet to gather information for Google’s index.
When Google’s spiders crawl a website, they like to index each page and show pages with good, fresh information. These spiders see duplex content and will not list more than one set of the content. For example: if your site has articles in both a normal version and a printer version and one or the other is not blocked in robots.txt or via a no follow or no index meta tag, the spider will choose one version of the text to list but not both.
Google won't view the same content written in English and French or German as
duplicate articles but using private label right materials without changing it will
definitely be a red light to search engine crawlers. Anyone using the bum marketing method or a system using search engine optimization to gain traffic should really be aware of how to use private label rights article content correctly.
Often, Google sees duplicate content with the intent to twist ranking and to trick
web surfers; they make adjustments in the indexing and ranking of the websites found doing so. Although most of the time Google uses filtering rather than ranking adjustments, which will cause the website with duplicate content to have a undesirable version of a page shown in their index.
But it gets even worse.
Let’s say you submit that article to Ezine Articles (more on this in the next section) and they do their own research and find out that this is a PLR article. They will not only reject the article but they may also ban you from submitting anything to them ever again.
The advantage with editing and rewriting content is that you'll have more chances of having more versions of your content appear in the first few pages of the search engines.
Although there is still no certainty as no one can accurately predict the minimum percentage of changes required to avoid duplicate content, a good rule of thumb is 25% or more. The search engines' algorithms also change often so checking your stats on indexing and updating the percentage of changes per article is a must.
Then some marketers tend to lean the other way completely and do not edit the PLR content at all with no fear of penalization.
The purpose of buying a PLR article package is not so you have a ready made pop it in the oven piece of work to throw out there like yesterday’s trash. It’s so that you don’t have to spend the time researching a topic that you know NOTHING or LITTLE about. Do you have ANY idea how long it takes to thoroughly research a topic, any topic?
To write an article from scratch, you MUST, if you don’t want to get hit with tons of plagiarism lawsuits, research a minimum of 3 to 5 articles and then COMPLETELY write a NEW article on the subject matter, taking NOTHING from the original 3 to 5 articles (depending on the length of you article).
It will take you around 1 to 2 hours to write an article from scratch. It could take you only 10 minutes to rewrite an existing article to transform it into a unique article. Same result…but you save 90% of your time, or to say it another way : when you write 1 single article from scratch, you can rewrite 10 and feel confident with the results.
Many people do not understand the importance of changing and modifying private label rights content for search engine optimization.
Have a look at all sites with good ranking in search engines. Pick up a topic you like and browse the highest ranked sites. They all have on thing in common : they are all loaded with content.
Content is king, no matter what you think about it.
You don’t have to like the fact that in order to move steadily up the search engine ranks you need to constantly add content to your site, but you darn better well accept it because it is a fact of Internet marketing life that is NOT going to go away.
Then take a run over to Ezine Articles or any of the other top directories and you’ll see tons of articles written on thousands of subject. Do you know why so many people are into article marketing? Because it works and it’s so simple.
Easiest Traffic Generation Method Online
1. Write an article with a link to your site in the resource box
2. Submit the article to Ezine Articles.
3. Watch the traffic come to your site.
But some people can’t write and have no desire to learn how to write. That’s where PLR comes in, and done correctly, it can be VERY beneficial. Almost as beneficial as writing your own content from scratch. It can be seen as even more beneficial as you can create more content that way (using PLR materials) than creating it from scratch.
The duplicate content penalty is a major motivator to changing your PLR content but not the only reason. Let me explain: duplicate content is either completely matching other content or is very similar. If contents of one page on the internet or within the same website are the same or similar to another, it is considered duplicate content and is penalized accordingly by web crawlers and that should be avoided if you are interested in gaining traffic via search engines (you will not be as much penalized if your site is already gaining an ‘authority’ level thanks to relevant and strong backlinks).
Although there are many different search engines that web surfers use to search out the information they are looking for online, in this report we will mainly use Google as a reference.
Google’s spider (sometimes called crawler or robot) is a script that browses the Internet to gather information for Google’s index.
When Google’s spiders crawl a website, they like to index each page and show pages with good, fresh information. These spiders see duplex content and will not list more than one set of the content. For example: if your site has articles in both a normal version and a printer version and one or the other is not blocked in robots.txt or via a no follow or no index meta tag, the spider will choose one version of the text to list but not both.
Google won't view the same content written in English and French or German as
duplicate articles but using private label right materials without changing it will
definitely be a red light to search engine crawlers. Anyone using the bum marketing method or a system using search engine optimization to gain traffic should really be aware of how to use private label rights article content correctly.
Often, Google sees duplicate content with the intent to twist ranking and to trick
web surfers; they make adjustments in the indexing and ranking of the websites found doing so. Although most of the time Google uses filtering rather than ranking adjustments, which will cause the website with duplicate content to have a undesirable version of a page shown in their index.
But it gets even worse.
Let’s say you submit that article to Ezine Articles (more on this in the next section) and they do their own research and find out that this is a PLR article. They will not only reject the article but they may also ban you from submitting anything to them ever again.
The advantage with editing and rewriting content is that you'll have more chances of having more versions of your content appear in the first few pages of the search engines.
Although there is still no certainty as no one can accurately predict the minimum percentage of changes required to avoid duplicate content, a good rule of thumb is 25% or more. The search engines' algorithms also change often so checking your stats on indexing and updating the percentage of changes per article is a must.
Thank you, that was very insightful.
I've been agonizing about publishing (my own)duplicate contents and now I know better what this is all about.
Is it acceptable to publish your own articles on various blogs and article directories, or would that also be regarded as duplicate contents?
I'm so wary of this because one is so at the mercy of being in the good books of the search engine spiders!
We Can Earn Online -Truths and Essentials for Earning Online-
André Kalis, at August 1, 2009 at 11:51 AM
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