< PLR Article Rewriting Made Easy: October 2007

PLR Article Rewriting Made Easy

Friday, October 5, 2007


In the fast paced world of Internet marketing the cliché “content is king” still holds true. Providing unique and interesting content for the masses is fast becoming one of the best ways to stay on top in the Internet marketing business.
So how can a successful entrepreneur stay in the curve without spending every waking minute writing? The answer to that question may well be private label rights articles and ebook. There have been numerous threads in marketing forums asking if PLR is dead, some simply saying that all PLR packages out there are just crap. It only show a deep misunderstanding of what PLR is and how powerful it can be if correctly used. Just to make it clear:

PLR: The most powerful of all rights

If you are new to internet marketing and don't know what Private Label Rights are, here is a short explanation.
Private label rights (PLR) give you limited editorial rights that allow you to rewrite,edit, and re-author content such as ebooks and articles. PLR products can include graphic images, software, and source codes, depending on the type of product but we are going to cover text content only in this report.. Do not confuse resell rights with Private Label rights. Whereas with PLR you have the right to change and edit the content, resell rights only allow you the right to sell the content, but not change it in any way. Private label rights give you limited rights to edit or rewrite the content, add affiliate links, or sponsored product recommendations and then claim it for your own.
To put it differently, basically you can modify the content to allow a greater variety of cash producing venues . For instance, you could include affiliate links to your sponsor’s products where other affiliate links may have existed, add links to your other sites to increase traffic, or add product reviews for products that are similar or compliment the information in the ebook/article. Private label rights content is so versatile and can be used in viral marketing, second chance or back-end sales, building traffic through links or for resale. You can also split up articles, ebooks or reports into email “classes” called ecourses or use several articles and make an ebook; the possibilities are HUGE.
Basically, when you get your hands on a PLR article or package of articles, that package becomes yours as if you had written the articles yourself. You can do anything you like with them (a warning though : most of the time, you’re not allowed to transfer those rights to any one) But this is where people run into problems. They get these packages and then,instead of rewriting them so that they truly DO become their own, they try submitting them to directories or selling them without doing a blessed thing to them (then they only use a fraction of their rights as they don’t edit nor modifiy the content…simply reselling it as is)

PLR For Search Engine Optimization

Many marketers are reluctant to purchase and use private label content because they fear their site will receive the dreaded “duplicate content penalty” from Google and other search engines. The fear is that the penalty will dry up their traffic, hence their cash flow. There is no reason for the users of private label rights content to fear penalization via the duplicate content penalty if you edit your content correctly.
Then some marketers tend to lean the other way completely and do not edit the PLR content at all with no fear of penalization.
The purpose of buying a PLR article package is not so you have a ready made pop it in the oven piece of work to throw out there like yesterday’s trash. It’s so that you don’t have to spend the time researching a topic that you know NOTHING or LITTLE about. Do you have ANY idea how long it takes to thoroughly research a topic, any topic?
To write an article from scratch, you MUST, if you don’t want to get hit with tons of plagiarism lawsuits, research a minimum of 3 to 5 articles and then COMPLETELY write a NEW article on the subject matter, taking NOTHING from the original 3 to 5 articles (depending on the length of you article).
It will take you around 1 to 2 hours to write an article from scratch. It could take you only 10 minutes to rewrite an existing article to transform it into a unique article. Same result…but you save 90% of your time, or to say it another way : when you write 1 single article from scratch, you can rewrite 10 and feel confident with the results.
Many people do not understand the importance of changing and modifying private label rights content for search engine optimization.
Have a look at all sites with good ranking in search engines. Pick up a topic you like and browse the highest ranked sites. They all have on thing in common : they are all loaded with content.
Content is king, no matter what you think about it.
You don’t have to like the fact that in order to move steadily up the search engine ranks you need to constantly add content to your site, but you darn better well accept it because it is a fact of Internet marketing life that is NOT going to go away.
Then take a run over to Ezine Articles or any of the other top directories and you’ll see tons of articles written on thousands of subject. Do you know why so many people are into article marketing? Because it works and it’s so simple.

Easiest Traffic Generation Method Online
1. Write an article with a link to your site in the resource box

2. Submit the article to Ezine Articles.

3. Watch the traffic come to your site.

But some people can’t write and have no desire to learn how to write. That’s where PLR comes in, and done correctly, it can be VERY beneficial. Almost as beneficial as writing your own content from scratch. It can be seen as even more beneficial as you can create more content that way (using PLR materials) than creating it from scratch.

The duplicate content penalty is a major motivator to changing your PLR content but not the only reason. Let me explain: duplicate content is either completely matching other content or is very similar. If contents of one page on the internet or within the same website are the same or similar to another, it is considered duplicate content and is penalized accordingly by web crawlers and that should be avoided if you are interested in gaining traffic via search engines (you will not be as much penalized if your site is already gaining an ‘authority’ level thanks to relevant and strong backlinks).

Although there are many different search engines that web surfers use to search out the information they are looking for online, in this report we will mainly use Google as a reference.

Google’s spider (sometimes called crawler or robot) is a script that browses the Internet to gather information for Google’s index.
When Google’s spiders crawl a website, they like to index each page and show pages with good, fresh information. These spiders see duplex content and will not list more than one set of the content. For example: if your site has articles in both a normal version and a printer version and one or the other is not blocked in robots.txt or via a no follow or no index meta tag, the spider will choose one version of the text to list but not both.

Google won't view the same content written in English and French or German as
duplicate articles but using private label right materials without changing it will
definitely be a red light to search engine crawlers. Anyone using the bum marketing method or a system using search engine optimization to gain traffic should really be aware of how to use private label rights article content correctly.
Often, Google sees duplicate content with the intent to twist ranking and to trick
web surfers; they make adjustments in the indexing and ranking of the websites found doing so. Although most of the time Google uses filtering rather than ranking adjustments, which will cause the website with duplicate content to have a undesirable version of a page shown in their index.
But it gets even worse.
Let’s say you submit that article to Ezine Articles (more on this in the next section) and they do their own research and find out that this is a PLR article. They will not only reject the article but they may also ban you from submitting anything to them ever again.
The advantage with editing and rewriting content is that you'll have more chances of having more versions of your content appear in the first few pages of the search engines.
Although there is still no certainty as no one can accurately predict the minimum percentage of changes required to avoid duplicate content, a good rule of thumb is 25% or more. The search engines' algorithms also change often so checking your stats on indexing and updating the percentage of changes per article is a must.

PLR For Article Submission

One of the top techniques of making money with private label rights content is submitting free reprint articles to article directories in order to promote your website.Article directories have established themselves as traffic generators for Internet marketers all over the planet. Marketers acknowledge the potential that article writing has for their business and they are continuously trying to get the best out of what this kind of content strategy can do.

Article directory websites can be used to submit articles to in order to promote your website or you can use them yourself to find content resources for your own emails, blog, or ezine. You can gain exposure to your website and get traffic through articles by using the author information box at the bottom of the article and by creating more incoming links to your website within the articles themselves. Each article should include at least one link back to your site, (in the body of your article, or in the author's information box). Articles with links added to the author's information box help increase the page rank of your website because the link is placed on both the article website and from the websites that use the freely offered articles.

Step One:

Change your title first, before anything else

The first thing you need to do is change the title. This is an absolute MUST. By changing the title, you have already changed the most important part of the whole article.
The reason is because the thing that most people will remember about an article is the title. Plus, when you go to the search engines and look up a subject, the first thing you will find in the listing IS the title. So the last thing you want is to have a title that is the same as the original article.
The first few words of your article title may just determine the amount of success your article will have. The three to five words a reader sees first in a title has the most impact on the amount of clicks your article receives in the long list of similar articles. A provocative title can make or break your article in terms of how much traffic it generates back to your website.

Create keyword rich titles with power phrases for your articles that match the most commonly searched keywords for your topic. The English language is filled with words. Grab yourself a thesaurus and look up substitutions for various words. You could easily come up with 20 or 30 titles for the topic of this book. All it takes is just a little thought.

Total time for coming up with a new title is about 15 seconds

Let’s take the title of this report, “PLR Articles Made NEW : step by step instructions to rewrite your PLR content” Suppose you were given this report as a PLR article and wanted to put it up on your site. How would you rewrite this title?

Well, here’s where you have to use a little bit of brain power, though not much. You want to keep the main points of the title.

What are they?

1. How to rewrite a PLR article

2. Step by step instructions

That’s it. Those are the main points.

Well, keeping those main points, we can come up with several rewrites. Here are just a few off the top of my head.

3 easy steps to PLR article rewriting

Insider tips to profit from PLR content

Tips On Rewriting Your PLR piece in less than 10 minutes

Super Tips To Rewrite Any PLR In 10 Minutes Or Less

Step Two:

Choose a keyword

You'll want to add your own keywords not only to your title, but to your articles because most often the PLR articles you have received have not been written with any particular keyword or density in mind.
Keyword density refers to the number of times an identified keyword appears within a given piece of text relative to the entire length of that text. It is usually expressed as a percentage. Although there are many perspectives regarding what constitutes an optimal keyword density, most would agree that a rate somewhere between 1% and 5% is usually adequate. This means that a designated keyword will appear in an article one to five times for every one hundred words. If one is seeking a density of approximately 1.5% for a five hundred word article, the keyword should make seven or eight appearances.
Once you have your keyword chosen then you can simply use the search and replace feature of your word processor to start by replacing a keyword not of your choosing. Then simply add a few sentences here and there throughout your article that will complement your keyword preferences.

Step Three:

Work with only one paragraph at a time.

Warning : usually the first paragraph is the introduction.
- If your PLR articles does not have any introduction, then it’s a good reason to add one which will make your article even more unique (simply introduce the different topics that will be discussed in the article and the main reason why you discuss those topics. It should not exceed 100 words)
- If your article already has an introduction, then rewrite it
What we need to do first is take a look at the main points of the intro. To rewrite those main points, you take it one point at a time and slightly modify the wording of each point.

Once you have (re)worked your introduction, start rewriting the bulk of the content.

First things to do:
Reorder some paragraphs or sentences and take out the fluff. Many PLR articles have unnecessary and repetitive information. This can be because writers are paid per word. This works in your favor, allowing you to cut the fat out of the writing in a few easy strokes of your cursor.
Adding the good chunks to a bulleted list is a great way to cut the fluff and make a tight information packed article.
It is important in good writing to get to the point. Do not worry about grammar or sentence structure at this point; it is hard to edit while writing and will only prove to frustrate. Write in small chunks for flow and ease of reading. Keep in mind to write in 3-4 sentence chunks and include breaks in between. Visually, it is much more manageable and easy to read and allows readers eyes to rest and minds to absorb and understand what you’re writing before jumping into the next topic.

Take each paragraph you want to rewrite and use the same procedure as for the introduction. (write at least 300 words and if possible 400 to 450)

(re)Write your summary.Your summary doesn’t have to be long at all. A good PLR article will have a summary, or conclusion, that basically just states what’s already been stated. If it’s already there, then reword it, and update it with the new content you’ve rewritten. If it’s not there in the original PLR article, then you have another way to make your article even more unique by writing a short one from scratch (a good summary is short and straight to the point, and should not exceed 50 words) Tools that can be used to help you rewrite your article (to find related words…):word ™, whitesmoke, thesaurus.com, dictionary.com

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Step Four:

This one is important to control and refine your rewriting procedure and its quality.

The more original and unique your approach, the more likely you are to have good long-term results. Whatever system you use, it's much easier improving a ready made article than writing a brand new one entirely from scratch. Pay special attention to the tone the article takes. For example, if it is written in

first person (I, my, we), you don’t want to confuse the reader by sprinkling several sentences written in the third person (he, she, it, one, or they.) If you like the tone the article takes, stick with it; otherwise it’s easy to change to the point of view you prefer. Whether you’re using software or rewriting the article yourself, don’t rely on any type of editing or spellchecking software to do all the work for you. Read each article word for word after you’ve finished to make sure it is grammatically correct with no typos or spelling errors. Whether your name is on the article or it provides a link to your website, you can bet your reputation is wrapped up in the content. Guard it.
That’s it : you’ve rewritten your article and it now has a perfect shape ☺

1. Title (you even have variations for submission to article directories)

2. Introduction (100 words)

3. 3 or 4 paragraphs of content (400 words)

4. Summary (50 words)


Acquiring PLR articles and ebooks is a lucrative way to boost your income as an Internet marketer. Don’t for a moment be scared off by the fact that this type of content needs to be edited or rewritten. If writing anything more than your name causes unpleasant physiological changes to take place within your body, you can certainly hire someone else to take care of this necessary task. It’s important to realize the tremendous savings, both of time and money, when you consider the vast amount of research you won’t have to do or pay someone else to do when you purchase PLR’s for your content needs. While writers who are well versed on a particular subject can quickly crank out several 400 word articles a day, it doesn’t go quite so fast when you have to do the research yourself. Another important tool you may want to consider using, whether you hire someone to rewrite your PLR content or if you undertake the task yourself, is putting the articles or ebooks through Copyscape. Check it out at http://www.copyscape.com. You’ll pay five cents per search and this will ensure that your content isn’t duplicated elsewhere on the web. It will assist you when you are making the changes to your content so you can be assured before you submit your articles to article directories that they are original. It is also a staple to Internet marketers who pay writers to churn out original content.
Once you follow the steps outlined in this report, you’ll easily see how acquiring PLR content can send your sales soaring. Here’s to your success!